Optimize Your Home Office With the Right Color

Working from home? While you’re probably enjoying the convenience and perks of your remote work situation, you may also be seriously reevaluating your home-office design.

Whether you have a designated room for your home office or have simply carved out a nook in the guestroom or family room, the right design can make all the difference when it comes to productivity. And that design starts with color. Consider painting your home office area with one of these work-friendly shades, recommended by marthastewart.com:

Beige-gray. Are you having trouble focusing while working from home? Color experts at Sherwin-Williams recommend using a soothing shade of beige-gray to help prevent your mind from wandering. Another plus associated with this shade? It goes with everything, so you won’t have to rethink your entire design scheme.

Dark blue. Set your office apart from the rest of your home and create a luxurious, studious atmosphere with a deep, dark blue. According to the color experts at Benjamin Moore, a dark, muted blue provides a meditative atmosphere that enhances concentration, and it’s also a great backdrop for camouflaging computer and television screens. And believe it or not, dark blues like navy are actually quite neutral and provide you with lots of design flexibility

Warm white. On the opposite end of the spectrum, warm shades of white will ground your home office and create a clean space and limit visual distractions. These tones are easy on the eyes and also provide a blank canvas-type of feeling to help boost creativity.

Earthy green. A subdued shade of muted green will add a calming tone to your home office, perfect for work situations that are fast-paced and often frenetic. These quiet, relaxed hues are also very versatile and blend well with any existing or future design themes. 

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